Dec 9, 2022
Rust, Realloc, and References
Rust is safe.. right? Not if your dependencies are unsafe.. A deep dive into a subtle Solana SDK bug, Rust internals, and how we found it all.

It all started with an audit of a program that used realloc
on an account, without any bounds checks on the new size allowed. It seemed like the developers assumed that if the new size was too large, the realloc
call (from solana_program
) would error out appropriately.
But we're not ones to just assume things around here, so let's take a look at how AccountInfo::realloc
is implemented:
pub fn realloc(&self, new_len: usize, zero_init: bool) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
let orig_len = self.data_len();
// realloc
unsafe {
// First set new length in the serialized data
let ptr = self.try_borrow_mut_data()?.as_mut_ptr().offset(-8) as *mut u64;
*ptr = new_len as u64;
// Then set the new length in the local slice
let ptr = &mut *((( as *const u64).offset(1) as u64) as *mut u64);
*ptr = new_len as u64;
// zero-init if requested
if zero_init && new_len > orig_len {
&mut self.try_borrow_mut_data()?[orig_len..],
Oh. There's unsafe
. And no bounds check in sight. And pointer math. That doesn't look promising...
Breaking down realloc
Let's pick apart this unsafe
block, since there's a lot going on here.
// First set new length in the serialized data
let ptr = self.try_borrow_mut_data()?.as_mut_ptr().offset(-8) as *mut u64;
*ptr = new_len as u64;
returns a mutable reference to the underlying buffer holding the data of the account. Normally in the course of contract execution, this comes from the serialized buffer passed into the contract by the BPF loader. So before we can understand the details here, let's take a quick detour...
BPF Loader ABI
Solana smart contracts have one job: interact with on-chain accounts. So what's the interface between the contract and the rest of the chain? To answer that, we're going to take a look at solana_program
's entrypoint code - the code that's added when you use the entrypoint!
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entrypoint(input: *mut u8) -> u64 {
let (program_id, accounts, instruction_data) =
unsafe { $crate::entrypoint::deserialize(input) };
match $process_instruction(&program_id, &accounts, &instruction_data) {
Ok(()) => $crate::entrypoint::SUCCESS,
Err(error) => error.into(),
What we see here is the contract's real entrypoint - it takes a u8
buffer in from the loader, and calls solana_program::entrypoint::deserialize
, which then parses out all the AccountInfo
s, instruction data, and the current running program ID. We can see how the data buffer is laid out:
let data_len = *(input.add(offset) as *const u64) as usize;
offset += size_of::<u64>();
let data = Rc::new(RefCell::new({
from_raw_parts_mut(input.add(offset), data_len)
offset += data_len + MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE;
offset += (offset as *const u8).align_offset(BPF_ALIGN_OF_U128); // padding
In English, we have the length of the data, as a u64
, followed immediately by the data, and an additional MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE
of reserve space (+ padding) after that. Using the length and data pointer, we construct a Rust slice reference (slice::from_raw_parts_mut
) - slices are how Rust represents a, well, slice (contiguous chunk) of memory - then wrap it up inside a Rc<RefCell<T>>
, giving us the unwieldy-looking type of
: Rc<RefCell<&mut [u8]>>
Now, what's the point of this complicated type? That's because when the same account is passed in multiple times to a program, instead of duplicating the data for the account, the BPF loader simply refers back to the first instance of the account. On the Rust side, that corresponds to cloning the referenced account:
// Duplicate account, clone the original
accounts.push(accounts[dup_info as usize].clone());
Since data
inside the AccountInfo
is a Rc<RefCell<T>>
, where the T
is a &mut [u8]
pointing at the actual data buffer, when we clone the AccountInfo
, we get a new reference1 to the slice pointing at the same data buffer.
And of course to uphold borrowing rules while having a shared pointer, we have interior mutability via RefCell
to check the rules at runtime. (The lamports
field is very similar, for essentially the same reason - we need to be able to mutate it, but it is also shared between multiple instances of the same account.)
Changing the data of an account is done by simply writing to AccountInfo::data
, which, as we just saw, is basically a pointer into the serialized buffer from the runtime; after the program exits, the loader reads the buffer back in to look at what the new state of the accounts should be.
This is also where the runtime validity checks are imposed.
// Only the owner may change account data
// and if the account is writable
// and if the account is not executable
if !(program_id == pre.owner()
&& is_writable // line coverage used to get branch coverage
&& !pre.executable())
&& !=
if pre.executable() {
return Err(InstructionError::ExecutableDataModified);
} else if is_writable {
return Err(InstructionError::ExternalAccountDataModified);
} else {
return Err(InstructionError::ReadonlyDataModified);
Back to realloc
As a reminder, this is what we were looking at before that detour:
// First set new length in the serialized data
let ptr = self.try_borrow_mut_data()?.as_mut_ptr().offset(-8) as *mut u64;
*ptr = new_len as u64;
gives us the &mut [u8]
from the Rc<RefCell<&mut [u8]>>
, whose data is inside the serialized buffer and immediately after the size of the data inside the serialized buffer. And slice::as_mut_ptr()
gives us that data pointer directly. So, this code computes a pointer to that serialized size field (8 bytes - the size of a u64
- behind the data buffer), and then writes new_len
to it.
This is reasonable... as long as the data
actually came from the serialized buffer. We'll come back to this later.
At this point we've updated the serialized buffer, so at exit the runtime will understand that the size of the account's data buffer has changed. However, we haven't dealt with the Rust side yet. Slices have a length, and we haven't dealt with the &mut [u8]
slice that is our view into the data from the Rust world. So let's look at the next chunk:
// Then set the new length in the local slice
let ptr = &mut *((( as *const u64).offset(1) as u64) as *mut u64);
*ptr = new_len as u64;
That as_ptr()
call is RefCell::as_ptr()
due to the Deref
impl on Rc
(remember also that RefCell
itself doesn't behave like a reference, you need to actually get one through borrow
and friends). So from RefCell::<&mut [u8]>::as_mut()
we get a *mut &mut [u8]
- a pointer to the slice reference. From here, we turn the pointer into a *const u64
pointer and then offset by 1 u64
(so 8 bytes). Finally, we switch the pointer back to being mutable, and write the new length to it.
Now, if you're sitting here thinking that this is unnecessarily convoluted and confusing, you'd be right! But we'll get back to that later too, I promise. In summary, we're writing the new length as a u64
to the region starting 8 bytes from the start of the slice reference (the &mut [u8]
).So, what does &[T]
look like in Rust?
According to the reference, it's completely undefined - there are no guarantees made in the reference, and "Type layout can be changed with each compilation. ... we only document what is guaranteed today". But it seems like those pesky language specs aren't stopping Solana developers. In current rustc
, the layout is a data pointer followed by the size; essentially the same as:
// C language
struct slice_ref {
void* ptr;
size_t len;
So at the end of the day we find out that the code is simply writing over the length field in the slice reference. Let's step back a moment and take a look at all the assumptions we made along the way while executing these 2 lines (really only one of importance!):
- Slices are laid out in the precise manner described
- Pointers and
are the same width asu64
- The
was not borrowed (i.e. we didn't just mutate it while someone else has a reference to its contents)
Assumption #2 is probably fine when we only care about targeting Solana's bytecode machine, but still not a particularly safe assumption to make in case some change happens on the toolchain. And assumption #3 turns out to be a non-issue since we had just done a borrow_mut
of the RefCell
(through AccountInfo::try_borrow_mut_data()
), and RefCell
is not usable between multiple threads2, so we already have exclusive access.
A few more fun things of note, that could have gone badly but didn't:
- By reborrowing the pointer (the
&mut *(<value of type *mut u64>)
), we've created a reference with an unbounded lifetime. Rust is free to infer any lifetime forptr
); thankfully it's only used in the next statement and never has a chance to escape. - Going back to the first statement when we were modifying the data buffer, it turns out we have another lifetime problem: we created a mutable pointer to the data from the
returned fromtry_borrow_mut_data
, but theRefMut
is dropped at the end of the statement. So, we now have inptr
a mutable pointer to theRefCell
's data, but theRefCell
thinks that we're done with our borrow. If we happened to be in a multithreaded scenario with something like aMutex
instead of aRefCell
(but with otherwise semantically identical code), then a different thread could attempt to borrow between creatingptr
and writing to it and succeed, resulting in us writing while another reference is alive. However, sinceptr
is behind the actual data and thus the region it points to is inaccessible through thedata
slice, this is still not a problem. I just wanted to highlight how easy it is to mess up borrowing and lifetimes when writing unsafe code.
Ok, now that we've understood what the code is trying to do, let's try to break it, shall we?
What can go wrong?
Again, it's quite conspicuous that there's no bounds check whatsoever, and additionally, we notice that at no point did we actually touch the data pointer of the slice reference when realloc
'ing. In other words, when we realloc, all we do is change some size fields, no allocation is happening. So, if we realloc
to some large size, past the end of the buffer of roughly MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE
bytes in the serialized buffer from the BPF loader, then we've got free out-of-bounds memory write! Using the data
slice, we can write to anything "after" our account's data in memory. Other accounts' data are stored adjacent in memory, so it'd be pretty easy to modify the data or lamports. And remember, sizes and indices are unsigned, so what's "behind" our account in memory is actually just very far "after" our account - the address will wrap around the end of the address space.
There is a check by the BPF loader, however, and it boils down to:
if post_len.saturating_sub(*pre_len) > MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE
|| post_len > MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_LENGTH as usize
return Err(InstructionError::InvalidRealloc);
But, like the other checks performed by the loader, this check only runs after the contract finishes execution. During execution, the contract is free to make whatever modifications to memory that it wants, since Solana's eBPF machine doesn't hook memory accesses in any way.
The end result is that in order to successfully exploit this bug, an attacker needs a way to change the length back to something valid before the program exits. However, with potentially arbitrary memory access through a mistakenly-realloc
'd account, this falls in the relm of some old-school pwning - even if we can't use the out-of-bounds access directly, there's plenty of pointers in memory that could be of use.
Remember when we said that all this code makes sense if the data points to the BPF loader's serialized buffer? Well unfortunately for us, there's nothing enforcing that; all the fields on AccountInfo
are public, and so is its new
method (which is nothing more than a thin wrapper around just creating the struct literal yourself). The realloc
code critically assumes that the memory 8 bytes behind the data buffer is the data's length and that we can write to it however we want when realloc'ing. So, clearly if we were to create an AccountInfo
ourselves - potentially through the Account
trait, which is hardly documented at all and makes no mention of any prerequisites about the nature of the references that need to be returned - we'd run in to problems from pretty much any practical way we'd allocate the data
One long arm of this is solana_sdk::account::Account
- in the client SDK. It holds an account's data in a Vec<u8>
, and it implements solana_program::account_info::Account
(the trait from earlier) - by returning a reference to the contents of that Vec
. So, realloc
writes the size into the 8 bytes right before data
; data
is the buffer of a Vec
, and so it is the contents of a heap allocation; and, immediately before a heap allocation sits critical metadata. The result? If, for some reason, you construct an AccountInfo
out of an SDK Account
and then realloc it (which admittedly is quite a stretch), then you get heap corruption - something that's very likely to lead to remote code execution.
Obviously the fix for the main issue at hand is to check that the resize operation remains in-bounds. But how do we know how big is too big?
The sensible thing to do would be to store the initial size in the AccountInfo
... except for the fact that the layout of AccountInfo
is actually part of the ABI between the contract runtime and the loader :face_palm:3 So, with changing AccountInfo
out of the question, the Solana team came up with a different place to stash the information: inside a section of padding in the serialized buffer passed from the runtime. This happened to be next to where the pubkey was stored, which resulted in the creation of this function:
/// Return the account's original data length when it was serialized for the
/// current program invocation.
/// # Safety
/// This method assumes that the original data length was serialized as a u32
/// integer in the 4 bytes immediately preceding the serialized account key.
pub unsafe fn original_data_len(&self) -> usize {
let key_ptr = self.key as *const _ as *const u8;
let original_data_len_ptr = key_ptr.offset(-4) as *const u32;
*original_data_len_ptr as usize
It's marked unsafe
, properly documented, but there's just one problem: we need this for realloc
, which originally was not unsafe
. So, in the name of not breaking API compatibility, the Solana team just threw the call in an unsafe
block and added a doc comment - adding to the small pile of functions that are actually unsafe but aren't marked as such for API compatibility reasons (and the last three - all related to each other - don't even have the comment until version 1.11, which isn't even on mainnet as of the time of writing).
Towards safer unsafe
Let's circle back to that main unsafe
block inside realloc
for a bit, shall we? As a reminder, it looks like this:
// realloc
unsafe {
// First set new length in the serialized data
let ptr = self.try_borrow_mut_data()?.as_mut_ptr().offset(-8) as *mut u64;
*ptr = new_len as u64;
// Then set the new length in the local slice
let ptr = &mut *((( as *const u64).offset(1) as u64) as *mut u64);
*ptr = new_len as u64;
We've seen how we could have ran into all sorts of issues here, with the usage of slice layout details, the reborrow creating an unbounded lifetime, and the RefCell
borrow not accurately representing the actual usage of its contents. We can do better than this.
First, let's deal with the RefCell
borrowing issue. When we try_borrow_mut_data
, we get a RefMut
back, which represents our borrow of the RefCell
's data. The fix here is simple: keep that RefMut
around and use it to access the data, instead of using RefCell::as_ptr
. Next, the slice; again, the fix is simple. Instead of attempting to modify just the length field, and resorting to using layout information to do so since Rust slices are immutable, we can simply construct a new slice reference and set that. The Rust compiler4 is smart enough to realize that the only thing changing is the length field, and so only emits the code to set the length5. So then we get:
let mut slice = self.try_borrow_mut_data()?;
// First set new length in the serialized data
let ptr = unsafe { slice.as_mut_ptr().offset(-8) } as *mut u64;
unsafe { *ptr = new_len as u64 };
// Then set the new length in the local slice
*slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(slice.as_mut_ptr(), new_len) };
No more pointer casting except for the one place that actually needs it (since the ABI for the serialized buffer uses a u64
and not a usize
for the size field, given that usize
is architecture-dependent), and no dependency on slice reference internals!6
- I find it helpful to view owning an
as holding a shared reference to the underlyingT
(stored in the magical land of I-don't-need-to-care-about-this-object-not-living-long-enough known as the heap). Owning the reference ensures that the actual data stays alive, however all you have is a reference to theT
(through theDeref<Target = T>
impl) - not ownership of theT
. In short, owning anRc<T>
is owning a (shared, read-only) reference toT
, not owningT
directly like withBox<T>
. ↩ !Send + !Sync
↩- Note that this is a terrible idea for yet another reason:
is not declared with#[repr(C)]
, meaning that, once again, we're dealing with no layout guarantees. But thanks to the power of blockchain, fixing this ABI interface breaks the entire chain since old contracts will no longer work. So, we're stuck with cobbling together some kind of interface to the specific layout of the specificrustc
versions used to build on-chain code for all eternity... ↩ - Actually, it's LLVM that does the optimization ↩
- Click here for a Compiler Explorer link showing this - note that the code for both implementations is almost identical. And yes, it's x86_64 and not eBPF, but unfortunately Compiler Explorer doesn't have Rust
available for other architectures yet. ↩ - The astute reader may have noticed that
still returns an unbounded lifetime (notice in the signatureunsafe fn from_raw_parts_mut<'a, T>(data: *mut T, len: usize) -> &'a mut [T]
, the lifetime parameter'a
does not appear in the arguments). However, we immediately constrain the lifetime by assigning it to*slice
, which is&'info [u8]
is the lifetime parameter of theAccountInfo
struct) - this is exactly the lifetime we started with. ↩